Child Development Class starts the baby weekend study.

This is an exciting time of year! Our students are taking their mid year Diagnostic Tests in Reading and Math. We are so proud of our students and the gains they are making. These young men are just a few that surpassed their original goals.

Thanks to all of our families for coming to watch the elementary Christmas Program last night. The kids were great! Thanks also to Mrs. Coon and the staff for getting this organized!

Elementary Upcoming Events

The elementary Christmas program was excellent! We are proud of the behind the scenes work our STEAM Club students did to make the set and props for the show. They worked after school to make lots of penguins, snowflakes, the sleigh, and more. They also learned a lot of interesting facts about Antarctica and penguins. Great work STEAM Club!

South Shelby will honor the 1974 Women's State Basketball Championship team on February 21st between the varsity games. This will mark the 50th anniversary of this remarkable achievement. We invite anyone who was a member or coach on this team to join us as we celebrate your accomplishments. Please share this information with teammates who may not see this.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact South Shelby Athletic Director Rob Wilt at rlwilt@cardinals.k12.mo.us or 573-822-4053

IT's FINALS Week at SSHS! Along with studying, here is a look at other activities at SSHS.

**MIDDLE SCHOOL** Monroe City Tournament
Dec. 16th - 21st


6th graders working hard on their 2nd ELA iReady diagnostic

Students are working hard for the door decorating contest.

These students created "The Cardinal Chronicle" in wheel class, a newsletter to inform middle schoolers of current events.

SSMS vs Monroe City

SSMS vs Monroe City

SSMS vs Monroe City

Lady Birds are headed to the Monroe City Championship with a 50-44 win over Monroe City.

Cardinals fall to Palmyra 43-35. They will play for 3rd Place on Saturday at the 100th Monroe City Tournament.

Tonight's Monroe City Tournament games can be live-streamed on YouTube search Monroe City Athletics.

Come support the Cardinals and Ladybirds in Monroe City tonight! Boys play at 5:15 PM. Girls at 7:00 PM.

Another Woods class project complete. A vanity with lights and mirror ready to be taken home.