JV Ladybirds fall to La Plata 7-4.
JV Football falls to Clark Co 8-36
Congrats to the SS Varsity Ladybirds on their 4-2 victory over La Plata. That’s a great win to start the week.
SSMS Ladybirds win 14-9 over Canton. Playing for fifth against Mark Twain.
SSMS ladybirds fall to Mark Twain in the 5th place game 19-7.
South Shelby Middle school ladybirds fall to Paris 12-7 in the first game at the Monroe City tournament. Next game at 1:30
Great Job SS Cheerleaders.
Shelby Co. R-IV is very fortunate to have Student Resource Officer Matt Mefford. Just recently Officer Mefford got new decals supporting the schools in our county. Thanks Officer Mefford for all you do for kids!!!
Cross Country Districts
We have decided to move senior night up to next week (9/17) to make sure we get the chance to honor our seniors. We will recognize football, cross country, band, cheerleading and dance before kickoff. Softball senior recognition will stay on Oct. 5th as scheduled.
Ladybirds fall to Marion County 9-6.
Thanks to our kitchen staff for all their hard work feeding our kids!
Varsity Ladybirds win at Mark Twain 11 to 1 in six innings. JV picks up the win 11 to 4. Played well, good job
Mrs. Eleazarraraz using KAHOOTS for quiz review in health. She is also involved with our active FCCLA chapter.
Mr. Mitchell class reviewing for a quiz the last few minutes of civic today. Quiz tomorrow. Then September 11th Remembrance on Friday.
Mrs. Elloitt’s class reviewing slope and intercepts during Geometry class. Learning how this applies to real world situations.
Welding is underway in Mr. Schmidt Ag class.
Mr. Whiston working with students during informal geometry.
South Shelby Elementary Students work to explain the SS Elementary Creed. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQfSY0XF2fFPrOSgrZXzTWk5ajF0J1whM4uEyp8BK6FHUkfKqRsA4Z70Ae8bOFkLTwwexMoZbygXHwD/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=3000
SSMS Football starts the season with a win!!!! Great night for football