We ate porridge today after doing a fun Unit on Goldilocks and The Three Bears.

Learned 100 new sight words!

Learned 100 new sight words!

Congratulations to these Little Cardinals. They learned all their letters!

Be sure to watch our Cardinals and Ladybirds on the North Shelby Youtube Channel. Cardinals play tonight at 6:00PM and our Ladybirds tomorrow at 6:00PM

In math today, we played fraction BINGO!
In social studies, we made Preamble puzzles and worked with partners to solve them!

In math today, we played fraction BINGO!
In social studies, we made Preamble puzzles and worked with partners to solve them!

The South Shelby Child Development Class is learning about the differientated learning skills children develop as they mature. The child development class will be working with our South Shelby Elementary students over the 2nd semester as part of their course work. #cardsmentor

Congrats to the SS Ladybirds. They won in the second round of the North Shelby Tournament. Playing for the Championship Saturday Night.

It’s A GREAT DAY To Be A Cardinal!!!

Congratulations to these Little Cardinals. They learned all their letters!

Congratulations to these Little Cardinals. They learned all their letters!

The South Shelby JV Ladybirds fall to Monroe City this evening in basketball. Keep working hard ladies

Congratulations to Ari and Paige for earning awards in the Community State Bank coloring contest!

Congrats to the JV and Varsiry Ladybirds on their wins over Clopton.

Congrats to the JV Ladybirds and JV Cardinals on their victory over Louisiana.

2021 Courtwarming Shirt Form
Shirt orders AND money will be due no later than Tuesday, January 26th. If you place an order, but fail to turn money in by Tuesday the 26th, your order will be canceled. Please, turn checks in to Arielle Million (sponsor), HS office, or a STUCO officer (Josie Ratliff, Jena Hammond, Emma Dovin, Marissa Rubison, Melanna Eagan).
*Please be sure you get a receipt via email once you place your order. This way you know for sure your order went through.
Thank you!

A reminder that there is no school on February 15!

JV Girls and Boys Basketball tonight vs.
Palmyra start at 6:00 PM

Good afternoon! A reminder that there is no school on January 18, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day!