Learning about solids, liquids, and gases

Building skills through game play

Tomorrow is World Diabetes Awareness Day. Please remember to dress in blue to show your support.

Career and Entrepreneurship students presented information about famous entrepreneurs that they chose to do research on.

Sophomore health students learn the difference between healthy, unhealthy and abusive relationships with the Pure Freedom program.

Congratulations to Madison Wilt on her collegiate signing to play softball for the Central Methodist University Eagles.

Congratulations to Sofia Eleazarraraz on her collegiate signing today with the University of Sioux Falls. She will be playing softball for the Cougars.

These 4th grade students completed a "Big Rocks" activity with their parents. They discussed Habit 3 Put 1st Things First and prioritized a list of activities they needed to complete for the week.

This young man was recognized today for showing positive leadership qualities. If you see him around you can ask him about it.

Mrs. Stevenson's Physical Science class explores the physical and chemical properties of elements in order to classify them as metals, nonmetals, or metalloids.

4th grade students are learning about art for cultural celebrations. They were able to create and hang up their own decorations for the Veteran's Day Assembly.

Students in Mr. Schmidt's Metals class working on adjustments to a bike rack they made in class.

Multimedia Class reviews Crackerology's Appetizer and Dessert Kits after studing their Marketing techniques and QVC showing!

Miss Hutcherson's 7th grade Art class learning about one point perspective drawing through an aerial city view!

6th grade social studies working on their map reading skills

6th grade geologists are researching their rocks. They are forming a hypothesis as to determine the types of rocks they have collected, then recording geological data in their science journals.

6th grade art working on radial balance squares

6th grade Science students were enriched today as they had the experience to observe the "geology" that accumulates in a turkey gizzard. Thanks to Mr. Bowen for broadening our horizons with cross referencing geology with ornithology (the study of birds) and anatomy.

SS B team boys get first win over Brookfield Monday night 46-4. Leading scorers Max Fahle with 15 and Braylen Brengle with 10.

South A team defeat Brookfield 44-11 Monday night. Leading scorers Emmett Langhammer with 13 and Preston Tharp with 12.