Thank you Veterans!

SS HS Week Ahead!

After a lot of digging for old season records in old yearbooks and newspapers. It was discovered that the Lady Birds this season (with 18 wins) had the 2nd most amount of wins in school history for Varsity Softball. Only being beat out by the 2015 team that went to the state tournament and had 20 wins in their season.
Also, this years Lady Birds had the highest average for runs per game since 1990. With a run average of 8.1 runs per game.
Congrats to all of the Lady Birds for their hard work this season! I am so proud and lucky that I got to be your coach and a part of this awesome season! Also, thank you to all the parents and fans who supported our team this year!

Mr Mitchell guides his Civics class through the election process and how the Electoral College works.

Some of Mrs. Mefford's sophomores working at the Shelby County Food Pantry this morning! Distribution day is the 1st Friday of each month! This is part of our community service that our FFA chapter does each year. Thanks for the great help!

SSMS Weekly Events

State Cross Country escorted by Shelby County Sheriff Arron Fredrickson and SSHS SRO Matt Mefford.

STATE CROSS COUNTRY TEAM IS HEADED TO STATE! We had a marching band send off as they loaded the bus.

South Shelby Cheerleaders working on their banner for tonight's game! Go Cardinals!!

This 6th grade science student is teaching her classmates to navigate a great Earth Science website to identify their rocks and minerals from their collections. Students teaching students is always a win-win.

3rd hour/6th grade science kiddos taking a class picture to send to a hospitalized classmate to bring a smile or two. We send her well wishes and get well vibes.❤️

To purchase the livestream of tonight's district football game ($10.60) between the South Shelby Cardinals and Macon Tigers follow the link below.
The game can also be heard on nemopressbox.com and https://www.kwwr.com/game-of-the-week/ for free

Student Leaders: These First Quarter Student Leaders celebrated the completion of their leadership roles this week. They trained new students to take over various jobs like Hallway Patrol, Morning Door Greeter, Playground Crew, etc.

Intro to FACS class gave career presentations today. They picked a career they are interested in and did research to learn more about it.

Middle school boys lost the season opener to Canton 26-40. Top scorers Parker Elsen-7, Emmett Langhammer and Preston Tharp-6.

Miss Hutcherson's Art class making Veterans Day cards. Honoring our Heroes. We will be forever grateful for their service!

Cross Country Headed To State!

South Shelby Cardinals Football Gameday

Thank you so much to the City of Clarence for letting us use the multipurpose room for practice tonight! Come cheer our boys to a win with these Lady Cardinals at the football game tomorrow at 7!

Congratulations to Lindsey Magruder and Peyson Larrick for competing in Area 3 Fall Speaking at Macon tonight! Both will be moving on to districts on November 19th in Monroe City!!
Lindsey Magruder- Farm Bureau- 2nd place
Peyson Larrick- Cattlemen’s- 2nd place