Halloween Fun

Halloween Fun: Hungry Hungry Hippos

6th Grade Music does a glow stick routine to a remix of Spooky Scary Skeletons!

Happy Halloween!

The Juniors are this years FBLA Powder Puff Champions!

Mrs. Turnage's kindergarten class has passed 100 I-Ready lessons. We celebrated with a cookie party!

Elementary Pumpkin Art

Congratulations to the CCC Coach of the Year, Adam Gunterman!

Congratulations to these South Shelby Cardinals on their CCC Special Teams recognition!

Congratulations to the CCC Defensive Player of the Year, Aadon Magruder!

Congratulations to the CCC Offensive Player of the Year, Chase Moellering!

Congratulations to these South Shelby Cardinals on their CCC Defensive Honors.

Congratulations to these South Shelby Cardinals on their CCC Offensive Honors.

6th grade science students filling in some free time with fun brain teasing puzzles.

More Halloween art for 6th grade, finishing up op art spider webs and starting symmetrical monsters

It's Halloween Science Day. Thank you, Mrs. Hickman and Mrs. Stevenson for preparing the cool experiments for the students.

SSMS Halloween Dance 2024

South Shelby HS Yearbook has a few left over yearbooks from the 23-24 school year avaliable for purchase. They are $40 and can be purchased by emailing Mr. O'Laughlin at lolaughlin@cardinals.k12.mo.us!

The FBLA Powder Puff game will be played at 6:00 PM tonight at SSHS! (Time was adjusted based on football practice).

The FBLA Powder Puff Football game will be held tonight at 6:30 PM!