Congratulations to the SSHS student who were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society. Axel Jackson, Ethan Blevins, Veronica Grawe, Alissa Strayhorn, and Ashley Sievers.

2024 Middle School Fall Sports Assembly

6th graders enjoying some free time

6th grade working together to answer questions about a Mercator projection map

Every Thursday the 6th graders record their grades and weekly progress for their parents. The 6th graders in Room 149 are treated to "World Famous Trail Mix" for great progress. Not only is it delicious, but it's magical as well!😉

SSHS Marching Cardinals are AMAZING!

How about the SSHS Cheerleaders!

Might have been a little warm today for a XC meet in October! Top 25 medaled in the varsity races at Bowling Green. Samentha finished in 15th place and Noah came in 17th! Results: https://liveresults.trxctiming.com/meets/Bowling_Green_XC_Invite_2024 Districts will be held in Fulton, Saturday, 11-2-2024.

Friday Night Lights.

SSHS Week Ahead

4th Grade Music class worked on steps and skips with a song called "Bats." Then they got make bat sounds with balloons and let them "fly away" at the end!

6th Grade Music students play a cup passing game to demonstrate form with the song "Monster Mash."

5th Grade Music students working on their Foley (sound effect) project. Stay tuned for their finished product!

Kindergarten working together making a web for all of their spiders during a STEM challenge.

If you're in the elementary on Monday for Parent Teacher Conferences, be sure to check out our student artwork hanging in the main hallway. Students studied Vincent Van Gogh and played with different ways to add texture to their pieces. Fifth grade students took a lot of initiative to come up with extra pieces such as a photo backdrop and signs to help label student work.

Elementary STEAM Club explored forces and motion with mini pumpkin catapults and investigated mixtures and substances with a candy salad.

6th grade gathering information for an Ancient Israelite news story

And SWISH.... another Science test with 100% written in red! 😊🌿🍂

Good luck to all of our SSHS athletes today!

CCC All Conference Softball Honors List.