Scores from day 1. Good job, Ladybirds!

South Shelby JV Cardinals fall to Macon in a close one 19-12

PTO Hot Chocolate Stand October 25th at the Football Game

2nd Grade musicians play steady beat vs rhythm accompaniment to a fun Halloween song, "Birds & Bats."

6th grade art learning about pointillism

6th graders working hard on their math test.

7th graders completed a project which included doing one of the following: creating a podcast, writing a book, making a travel brochure, or performing a how-to speech. They did a great job!

6th grade Social Studies are exploring the papery bark from a Paper Bark Birch tree. They compared this to Papyrus as this is what the Ancient Egyptians used to make paper on which they wrote hieroglyphics. Thanks to Carol Werr for sharing this beautiful tree bark with us

Day 1 of state golf. The Ladybirds hitting a few at the range before teeing off!

The Ladybirds arrived at Crown Pointe Golf Club for a practice round before teeing off for the Class 1 state tournament tomorrow!

The SSHS Marching Cardinals take 3rd place at the MSMA State Field Show competition for Class 2. We are so proud of our Band, Director, Michelle Ratley, Drum Major Ashley Sievers and Assistant Titus Moore

The SSHS Marching Band advances to the MSMA State Finals this evening.

The SSHS Marching Band competes at the MSMA State Field Show Competition! Great job Cardinals. Super solos by Lillian Braden, Titus Moore and Wyatt Weatherford.

A few of our SS Cardinal Football players, Cheerleaders, and students volunteering this beautiful Saturday at Country Pumpkin.

Thanks for the invite, Monroe! It was a beautiful day for fast runners! The SS boys took 1st with some great times! Congratulations! Headed to Bowling Green 10/25/24

Great job, Ladybirds! Monroe City Invite was a great course to run today. Bowling Green on 10/25/24

Let's Go Lady Birds. Good luck at State Golf.

6th grade ELA learning about indirect objects, practicing spelling words, and theme of the weekly story

Middle school students decorating the chalk board for the upcoming Halloween dance

Ms. Landry Gill gives 6th grade Science a play-by-play description of the rescue of this giant and "intriguing" American Sycamore leaf. Landry will one day change the world with her "people skills." This teacher was "intrigued" with her story.