6th grade reading about Ancient Israelites

Carol Werr visited her 2nd grade alumni today who are now 6th graders. In science class, she taught them about how the pigments in leaves. Mrs. Werr boiled leaves to extract the chlorophyll. Students studied the chloloplast in a silver maple leaf that is responsible for making photosynthesis. Students used a microscope to examine the plant cells.

We would like to thank Los Perez Mexican Restaurant, Prairie View Baptist Church, and Mike Fohey-State Farm Insurance Agent for their donations to the Cardinal Snack Pack Program. We would also like to thank General Mill for providing us with protein bars. We appreciate all the ways our community is helping us care for students!

Elementary STEAM Club members have been studying forces and motion. They planned, created, and tested inventions to help rubber ducks fly. They had a contest to see which duck could fly the farthest.

Elementary STEAM Club members have been studying forces and motion. They planned, created, and tested inventions to help rubber ducks fly. They had a contest to see which duck could fly the farthest.

Thank you seniors. Callie, Sophia, Jayda, Madison and Maicyn.

Lady Birds fall 5-4 tonight to end the season. Great job Lady Birds. Thank you players, coaches and Lady Bird Nation.

Lady Birds advance in districts with a 12-7 win over Palmyra.

Physical Science learning today about matter composition and the heating curve of liquids.

Ever wondered what pointillism and negative and positive space mean in the world of art? Miss Hutcherson class today would help you out.

Osmosis Egg Lab in College Biology.

Osmosis Egg Lab in College Biology.

SSMS Fall Sports Awards Assembly! Hope to see you there!

Flu Vaccine Forms were sent home with each student earlier this week. The Shelby County Health Department would like these forms returned to the school by 10/18/24 if you would like him/her to participate. Please contact your school's nurse if you have any questions.

Pump pumps your blood! Eighth Grade health students colored and labeled models of the human heart to show how blood flows through it.

These 6th graders earned 100% on their Entomology test! Aren't they Bee-autiful?

6th graders working at ELA stations

Kylee Barton popped in 6th grade science today and created a "teachable moment." She observed the students working on leaf collections. She went to her Ag room and returned with her "Weed and Crop" Binder and taught the students about weeds that farmers battle each farming season. It was a great example for 6th graders to see how this Botany project will benefit them in Agronomy class in high school. Great job, Kylee! She is a natural teacher!

Tonight marks the end of our SSMS Football Season. Thanks Coaches, players and parents for a great season.

Chilly race today at Centralia for the HS Cross Country girls! Samentha and Kylee both medaled. We travel to Monroe City this Friday. 10/18 race starts at 3:15!