SSMS vs. Chester Boren

Our next American Education Week Educator is Mr. Nathan Hillard. Mr. Hillard is one of the teachers that was chosen by South Shelby students, parents and alumni to receive a grant and be named one of the top five best teachers at South Shelby. Some kind words for Mr. Hillard was shared by voters to explain why he was their favorite teacher. One of the voters said: "Mr. Hillard makes science fun. Even if you hate Biology, he is a really entertaining teacher that you can joke with, even on your bad days." Congratulations Nathan Hillard, we all appreciate all the time and dedication you put into teaching to ensure that your students will be taking something away from it, even if it is just a sarcastic comment.

Mrs. Meffords Food Science class participated in a cookie baking competition this week. Most recipes resembled Crumbl cookies and they were all so good! Congratulations to Hannah, Draven and Belle's group for coming in 1st place with their classic chocolate chip!

Elementary Upcoming Events

Students met with their Cardinal Families this morning for a little community building.

Personal Finance learning check writing and checkbook balancing today!






Teacher, preacher, engineer, veterinarian, hunter, and US President for our future! Mrs. O'Neal's 5th grade enjoying American Education Week!

NHS member, Titus Moore, came to Mrs. O'Neal's 5th grade class and read to them today! Thank you, Titus. You are welcome anytime!

Hey Cardinals Fans! Let's Line the Connector in our support of the SSHS Cardinals Football Team's Quarterfinal game at Mid-Buchannan. You are invited to line up, put out your signs, get out to cheer and support the Cardinals as the buses head down the Cardinal Connector.

Tonight is the last practice for Girls On The Run. These ladies will participate in a 5k in Columbia on Saturday. We are so proud of you all!

Our next NHS American Education Week Educator is Mitch Schmidt. Mr. Schmidt teaches agriculture education, including Ag Science 1, Ag Metals, and Middle School Ag. He plays a vital role in leading the South Shelby FFA as an advisor. A quote from a South Shelby High School student states "Mr. Schmidt pushes me to be the best version of myself I can be, he is constantly putting all his effort in and truly cares for his students deeply. He works countless hours to give his students opportunities and sacrifices time with his amazing family to help us. I truly think Mr.Schmidt undeniably deserves this award.”. His connections with students has become the leading reason he has been selected from the South Shelby staff!

100th year of the Monroe City Tournament!

Game Info for South Shelby @ Mid-Buchanan (Football Quarterfinal)
Gates open at 11 am Tickets will need to be ready as you pull into the (east) parking lot
It is recommended that you arrive early, parking is tight and fills up quickly.
Digital tickets only https://www.mshsaa.org/Tickets.aspx
Livestream Broadcast: https://mshsaa.tv/?B=1607037

6th grade science gals are researching their geological samples to determine if it is a rock or a minerals.

6th grade science student are examining rocks to determine the "luster" of each sample.